Richard III Memorial: A Long Time Ago - Yesterday

Just over nine years ago already, but memories of attending Richard III's memorial service are as clear now as when first imprinted. I sat a few feet from the coffin in a packed Leicester Cathedral, his discovery, exhumation, and reinterment on the 26th March 2015, an extraordinary series of events I never imagined I would see in my lifetime.

This is what I wrote at the time:

So far failed utterly to find words to adequately describe attending Richard III's Memorial service on Monday at Leicester cathedral. Nothing I can think of quite captures the impact of the events of this week - let alone those of the last few years - on me and those interested in the Wars of the Roses in general, and this king in particular. Despite frivolous comments by some in the media, this was an opportunity for historians (professional and amateur) and the general public to become involved in celebrating a unique moment in history. It was also a good excuse to meet and make friends from around the world in an atmosphere of convivial solemnity. The people of Leicester did a magnificent job of welcoming us all, and congratulations to all those involved in the Richard III Society, Leicester Cathedral, the university and the many individuals for bringing to fruition years of tireless, dedicated work.


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